Nyonya Curry Mixed Vegetable

1. Prepare and cut cabbage, long beans, eggplant, baby corn and tofu pok, tofu skins into bite size
2. Pour 500ml water into pot and add in 120g CURRY paste
3. Add all prepared ingredient and cook for about 15 minutes.
4. Add coconut milk and simmer until gravy comes to a low boil
5. Ready to serve

1. 准备包菜, 长豆, 茄子, 小玉米, 豆腐皮, 豆腐卜切成一小块
2. 将500毫升水倒入锅中,加入120克咖喱酱
3. 加入所有准备好的材料,煮约15分钟。
4. 加入椰奶,小火煮至汤汁沸腾
5. 即可上桌

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